
Ronen Kauffman

Ronen Kauffman has spent most of his adult life teaching – from corporate executives, to nuns in a soup kitchen, to nearly 20 years as a public school teacher of special education. A dedicated practitioner of meditation and yoga, Ronen hopes to guide others in unlocking the potential of these practices. Ronen’s vinyasa classes combine inquiry, movement, and challenge, articulated through thoughtful instruction. And his clear, accessible meditation guidance stems from a long-standing, consistent personal practice. Ronen is a RYT-500 and trained at the Hudson Yoga Project under the training of Patrick Franco, Jr., Lindsey Rozmes, Kate Lombardo, Magi Pierce and Julie Pasquale. By offering guidance on how to use the body and mind with intention, Ronen hopes to provide his students powerful internal tools they can carry with them for a lifetime.